
One thing people don't really talk about before they have kids is how much you sacrifice for them. Presley is only 5 1/2 months old and I have already sacrificed a ton! I am not saying that this is a negative thing, just something I have never thought about. First-you sacrifice your body (try as you may.. it will NEVER look like it did before!) 2nd- you sacrifice sleep (sleeping in becomes a faint memory). 3rd - (at least for me)... my sanity! And the list continues: me time, date night, long relaxing baths, free time, extra cash, sick days, hanging out with friends after 9 pm, doing anything quickly, and eating spicy foods or dairy (they upset Presley's stomach). These are just some things I thought of off the top of my head. Nothing is about you anymore! The moment your baby is born it becomes all about this new little person in your life and immediately your focus shifts from being completely selfish to completely selfless. On days when I am exhausted and dragging myself out of bed, or I am missing out on hanging out with friends b/c I have to be home for Presley's bedtime... I look at her and can't imagine my life without her. I would sacrifice everything for her! When I think about it like that, they don't seem like sacrifices anymore.

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Blissfully Enamored said...

thank you so much for your sweet comment about my frames!!! let me know when you are ready and i would love to get one together for you!!!

your sweet presley is so stinking cute, by the way!!! :) i am so glad that you are having fun being a mom....even though there are so many sacrifices! :)

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